On January 2, 2011 I was sent to the emergency room and hospitalized for 6 days with a life threatening staph infection that entered into my body through my elbow. The infection was so intense and spread so quickly that they had to do an emergency operation on my elbow to remove the infection manually as the antibiotic was not able to fight it itself. Once the operation took place and the bacteria was removed, I started my road to recovery. While in the hospital I came to a realization that life is pretty fragile. It opened my eyes to the wonderful things that I had to be grateful for, the exciting things that I had to look forward to, and the beautiful life that I had been given. It also lead me to reflect on the great sacrifice that you have all made in giving your child up for adoption. I can't even imagine the emotional rollercoaster that you have or will exprience. However, during my train of thought I realized that we all share something in common and that is the ability to make out own lives great! Although the tasks at hand may seem extremely overwhelming, and at times impossible, when we focus on the great things we have in our lives, the beautiful opportunities that God has provided for us and the influence we have on others can and will lead to the greatest moments, the most precious memories, and the happiest times of our lives.
Take a moment and reflect on what is good in your lives. It's amazing how quickly the pain goes away!
God bless!
This post was done by Todd Mitchell
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