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Friday, February 17, 2012

February BTG Support Group

Here is a recap of Febraury GROUP.  I hope you will join us in March!  BTG SUPPORT GROUP

WOW doesn't even begin to cover how I feel about group last night. I did not know what to expect and I was nervous about group....I didn't even know if anyone would show up!...and right at 7:00 in walked some of the most AMAZING and INCREDIBLE and BRAVE women that I have ever had the honor of meeting.

Without disclosing too much and respecting the privacy of the Birth Moms that were there I wanted to share a few thoughts about group and what I was feeling as I was sitting there....

It amazes me that no matter how many times I hear a birth mom share her story, no matter how many times we discuss the process I am still so moved and it shakes me to my core! I can't believe how much healing, even after all these years, takes place in GROUP. I learn so so so much from these amazing women and all I can do is pray that they feel comfortable there and that it is a safe place for them to come.

Group was amazing and a huge success last night because of the women that were there. THEY made group what it was. We had a very diverse group...all at very different stages with so much perspective to share it was incredible and overwhelming and wonderful!

I am so pleased at the instant connections that were made and the love that was so genuine for each other..the sharing of personal phone numbers and emails so that they could check up on each other and keep each other "honest" and safe! I am so proud of all of them for jumping in and trusting and understanding and being open! We were so so so so open and honest and emotional and that is NOT easy in a room of strangers...but it did not feel like a room of strangers...it was a FAMILY.

I LOVE the space that we are holding group in. The Fiore Studio could NOT be more perfect for the vibe and setting that I wanted to create and I can't thank them enough for letting our group meet there! {if you are looking for a space to hold an event I strongly recommend that you check it out!}

As I was driving home last night I had tears streaming down my face...I am so so so so so blessed and I LOVE my job and I get to meet the most amazing women and gain truly the most amazing friends and I am so grateful to my husband for his support and allowing me to reach out to all of you. It is my prayer that you will find some peace here and I am so excited for next month...


We talked about picking ONE word....one word that sums up you, were you are in your life, where you have been, where you want your life to go over this next year...and then we will work on ways of getting there...so if you can join us in March, and I hope that you will, come with a word...ONE WORD.

My word is SIMPLIFY

Love you all!
Ashley Mitchell

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