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Saturday, October 9, 2010

Mailing the Basket

I am a little late posting about this but I wanted to tell you about my experience when I was at the UPS store mailing out our very first basket! I was so excited and I was going to have my husband take a bunch of pictures but our little angel had just fallen asleep in the car and I HATE to wake her up when she is so worn out....so no pictures but you can imagine me at the counter mailing a package...got the visual? OK, great!!

This was such an exciting moment for me and I have to thank Kristina, our first birth mom, who will be receiving the basket. She has played such a big part in getting all of this going and she will always hold such a special place in my heart...being the very first!

I was having an interesting conversation with the young man that worked at the counter and he was asking about our Non-Profit. I was telling him about what we were doing and he was shaking his head up and down...and said "Oh I totally get it! My parents adopted my two little sisters!" I just wanted to give him a hug and call his mom up right away! It was so awesome and I know that there are people all around us that have experienced this incredible process!

I am so excited for this adventure to take place, we are just getting started and I hope you will join us every step of the way!!!

Love you all!!!

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