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Saturday, December 26, 2009


We asked Ashley how she came up with the baskets...

"It was day 3 in the hospital and my case worker was pre
paring all of my paperwork. She asked if I understood what it meant to sign over my parental rights and I just stared at her...what an odd question. I knew what she wanted me to understand but my heart was screaming at the reality of the question. There was a knock on the door and a nurse walked in and set a basket down on the edge of the bed. I didn't even give it a second look until I got home that evening. I was sitting alone in my bedroom, trying to forget the past 3 days and I decided to look through my mystery gift. I noticed that it was from an anonymous group of ladies. The basket was just for me, just because, just to try and make feel me a little less broken...and that is where it all started."

The purpose of the basket is to offer some love and inspiration, from taking care of yourself physically to putting things back together emotionally. Some of the basket is for fun, some is for remembering and some is just for you.
Each basket delivered to the birth mother will consist of the following items: (our baskets are always changing so stay tuned for new product being added to our baskets. Items may be changed or replaced based on BIB inventory)

~ A Journal: All I [Ashley] wanted to do when I got home from the hospital was get the thoughts of the past nine months, past three days, the future life time out of my head. The only way that I could do that was to write them down. Not all of the birth moms are going to want to share their story with the world, but I can promise that they will want to go back from time to time for themselves.

~ A Survival Kit: If you have never been through it before, giving birth can be a scary process. The recovery is no different and before you can even think about putting yourself back together mentally and emotionally you have to heal physically. I [Ashley] am including a survival kit that will have all the delicate things to help you get through the aches and pains, along with an instruction manual...because God knows we never got one for the delivery room! (Kit includes hygiene pads, adhesive wrap and cleansing pads .)

~ I am a big tough girl: I am including a pamphlet that shares different stages of my story. Nothing says inspiration than to read about someone who has been through what you have and came out on the other end still breathing! It is my prayer that you will read the story and learn from it, that you will be inspired from it and that you come out on the other end "a big tough girl".

~ A date to remember: I am including a date for you to remember. I know that what you have been through is enough to break you and I know that we don't want to be constantly reminded but there is one thing that you will never forget and that is the birthday of your baby. In your basket you will receive your own sterling silver rectangle plate with your baby's birth date that will hang on a chain. It will be a subtle reminder to you without wearing a flashing sign over your head. Hide it, wear it, treasure it, what ever you are comfortable with but I promise you, this will be a date to remember. These custom tags are made by http://www.etsy.com/shop/juliethefish

~ 30 days to the skinny jean: One of the most obvious things that happens to every woman when we get pregnant, not matter the circumstances, is that we all get big and fat. One of the
things that a woman wants to do after the birth, especially if you don't have a baby to show for it, is to fit back into the skinny jean. As a birth mom we get to be a little bit selfish after our delivery, we don't have a baby to take care of so we need to start healing, and part of that is feeling good about how we look. We already have stretch marks to remind us, we don't need the belly too. Part of the healing process is your physical health. It is so important, that is why BIB is teaming up with Trophy, Inc. to produce a Post Natal Shred that is 100% catered to your needs as a woman who has just given birth. It will not only help push you physically but help to get you on the right track mentally, emotionally and spiritually. More info on the DVD coming soon.

~ time heals all: I am here to witness that your thoughts and some wounds will never completely go away. But time does heal so many things..and it is always moving forward. It is so important to remember to always look forward, never backward. That is why I am including these incredible watches hand made by Becca Houston. These are custom made just for BIB. You will not be able to get this watch unless you are a birth mom. Don't try and stop something that you can't control...move on and in time you will feel better. The BIB spiral watch face represents that time will never stop...it will continue to go...take time to heal, let time do what it does best...moves forward!

~frame it: I am including an incredibly unique, and gorgeous hand made picture frame from http://www.rodworks.com/. Please feel free to put anything in this frame that you want. It could be a picture of your baby, an inspirational quote, your family or just you and your girl friends having a good time -post baby. It is just for fun and just for you.

~big, tough girl t-shirt: We are adding our new Big, Tough Girl t-shirts to our birth mom baskets! Each basket will have a coupon that will contain a code that you can use to redeem your free t-shirt. All you have to do is email us at ashley@blessingsinabasket.org and send us your code, style, size and address...your shirt will arrive in the mail within days! You will be able to buy additional shirts at a discount if you have received a basket.

*All shirt purchases will go back into the baskets for our birth moms. We hope everyone will want a shirt, it is a great way to give a donation to our birth moms! Birth Moms will receive an additional shirt discount of $5.00 on each purchase. Go to our DONATE BIB page on the website to purchase additional shirts.

*If you are interested in having your product featured in our baskets please contact

Designed By Aqua Poppy Designs for Blessings In a Basket .
© Copyright. All Rights Reserved.